Wednesday, January 29, 2014

From: Brent Smith

Re: How you can 1-on-1 help so you get the answers you need


Hey Guys,

Quick update for you.

I’m releasing this to you all first since you’re already inside the community.

Maybe you’re not sure what to do.

Maybe you need feedback based on your personal situation.

Maybe you want to bounce ideas of someone.

Does this sound like you?

You now have a chance to chat 1-on-1 with me about ANYTHING.

Get the inside scoop on how I start conversations with women, how you can create attraction FAST, ways to banter with women in a way that makes them want you, my favorite ways to take women home, or anything else you heart desires.

I know what it takes, how it's done and can help you make it happen... fast.

Let me personally help you one-on-one as I answer your questions, map out a workable plan, and give you specific action steps to have more success with women and live an amazing social life.

This will change the game for you.

You will walk away from this call and know exactly what you need to do to overcome whatever you are struggling with, personalized to your specific situation, that will move you closer to your goal so you have the success with women you really want.

Get a 1 Hour Coaching Call for only $297 and get all your questions answered.


*There may be a waiting list by the time you sign up, but
I will do my best to meet with you as soon as possible.


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